Redesigning Server Data Centers

Dell server rack

Larger data centers can consume the same amount of electricity as small towns, and sometimes require the same amount of logistics and oversight. You can keep them running smoothly by planning properly for their physical layout and environmental maintenance. Aside from the climate control, one of the bigger conveniences may come from selecting the appropriate server rack enclosures to maintain your equipment.

You can find the best server racks for your data center with some preliminary research based on your design goals. First and foremost, you want to insure that your computer server racks contribute to overall data availability and server up time in your company. Depending on the rack sizes and the number of server rack enclosures you will need, it may be helpful to consult online reviews prior to narrowing down your selection. Alternatively, you industry colleagues may be able to direct you to racks that have well tested for convenience, security, and performance.

Ideally, you can start your search armed with documented design guidelines based on current needs and anticipated growth. Whether this is for a dedicated data center, or one of many server rooms, documenting your demand can help you better specify your exact requirements. User forums and discussion boards could be an untapped resource to sort through your different options and configurations, especially if you are looking at significant customization as part of the design process.

A big dependency of the installation process lies in scheduling installation, server downtime windows and any backup contingencies. Like most other IT support issues, you will need adequate time if you are moving existing servers into a new location. By completing your due diligence on your server installation, you will be up and running without any glitches.

Finally, as you lock in the purchase orders for server racks and enclosures, make sure you have documented exactly the steps are to get your data center running. While most support teams should have a checklist ready and waiting, you will need to insure that your plan fits budget and time constraints without affecting current business operations. Regardless of your product selection, this preliminary planning will help you maintain proper coverage as you ramp up your system capabilities. More can be found here.

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