While some might find this shocking, domestic sewage is actually 99.9 percent pure water, and only .1 percent is pollutants. However, communities might still want to install catch basin inserts that can prevent some items from getting into their sewage and water systems. Macroscopic pollution, which is sometimes known as “floatables” when found in urban stormwater contexts, or marine debris if found in larger bodies of water, are floating pollutants like trash that are visible. The right catch basin inserts and stormwater filters will make sure that those items do not get into stormwater drainage and cause problems.
In many cases, catch basin inserts will be needed in order to keep smaller, and harder to find, pollutants out of stormwater runoff. A study of fresh water sites in California between 2001 and 2010 found that 50 percent showed a degree of toxicity that was harmful to fish or other aquatic life. In order to prevent that problem from arising, communities will want to use catch basin inserts that are able to remove hydrocarbons and contaminants like metals, sand, silt solid waste, and liter from stormwater runoff. That ability can go a long way towards keeping water clean.
Proper stormwater treatments and the use of catch basin inserts can help neighborhoods prevent “point source water pollution” which occurs when contaminants enter a waterway from a single, identifiable source like a pipe or ditch. Indentifiable sites can be much easier to repair than others. However, in order to stop all pollution, or at least as much ass possible, towns and cities should consider adding lots of catch basin inserts that can stop pollutants. Read more here.