Three out of four prospective customers are likely to to request some sort of video brochure instead of a print brochure when given the choice. DRTV and infomercials are required to take a blended approach to buying media, evidenced by this rousing statistic: nearly 75 percent of American consumers are multitasking while watching TV, 42 percent are online, 29 percent are talking on cellphones or mobile devices, and 26 percent are texting or sending instant messages. Columbia University School of Journalism ran a recent study that concluded that news features are time more credible than advertisements, which makes a strong case for infomercial production choices and blended media strategies. It is believe that a well cut, 10 minute video will go through over 200 edits. Taking less time in the edit bay to cut a video or television show can reduce costs by thousands of dollars. These types of statistics make it easy to understand why a TV media buying agency and infomercial production companies are a great place to kick off your ad campaign.
It is easy to see how infomercial DRTV companies can increase profits for any company. The call for a direct response can be a compelling argument to go up against. The strategy of using direct response production is effective because it presents a product, gives the consumer a call to action, and usually drives traffic to a website, retail location, or even directly to the production company. In the event you are looking for a Tv media buying agency to improve your bottom line, it would be best advised to start exploring your options throughout the area or even by searching the World Wide Web for a reputable and proven TV media buying agency. One thing to look for in a TV media buying agency, amongst many other things, will be their most recent products, anywhere from 3 to 5, in order to get a sense of feeling about how successful they are when it comes to informercial production.