Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that is an outgrowth of ancient Chinese medicine. Acupuncture procedures incorporate the use of tiny, single-use, sterilized, and pre-packaged needles that pierce the skin at specific pressure points on the body in service of rebalancing qi. In Chinese medicine, qi is defined as active energy that manifests and flows throughout all living things. Chinese medicine regards qi as streaming through meridians; meridians are believed to be channels conducting energy within the body. By stimulating pressure points along these meridians, qi is rebalanced within the body, leading to a state of optimal health and wellness, both physically and spiritually.
Nowadays, acupuncture is employed as a treatment for many different health problems. According to the World Health Organization, the known benefits of acupuncture recommend it as an effective therapy for more than forty medical problems including allergic reactions, respiratory difficulties, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological issues in women, neurological complications, and eyes, nose, and throat abnormalities. There are acupuncture back pain procedures, acupuncture infertility procedures, and procedures that utilize acupuncture for depression. Many people, having undergone other mainstream medical therapies sans success, have experienced relief as a result of getting acupuncture treatment.
Westerners are wary of acupuncture side effects in the same way that Easterners are circumspect when it comes to traditional drug therapy. Though Westerners may be nervous about possible acupuncture side effects prior to their first session, for almost everyone who undergoes acupuncture treatment, the positive balancing effects on internal organs outweigh any possible discomfort or acupuncture side effects.
Internal organ balancing is one of the major benefits of acupuncture treatment. This goes a long way towards illustrating why acupuncture is so helpful to people who have endocrine problems and autoimmune disorders, i.e., diabetes, hypothyroidism, lupus, celiac disease, and eczema; by their very nature, autoimmune and endocrine problems create a physiological imbalance within human beings. It may seem counter-intuitive to Westerners that pushing needles into the skin should help manage these conditions, but that is only because most of us have not grown up with acupuncture procedures. In countries where Eastern medicine is primarily practiced, Western pharmaceuticals are met with skepticism and worry on the part of Easterners in the same manner that Westerners worry about acupuncture side effects. Both worries are based on fear rather than evidence.
Of course, however rare they may be, acupuncture side effects do exist. One of the most common acupuncture side effects is known as a healing crisis, which essentially means that some people undergoing acupuncture for various health problems often feel worse before feeling better as their bodies expel toxins and re-regulate to a new state of homeostasis. Fatigue, bruising, and soreness after acupuncture treatments are also typical of the mild acupuncture side effects that some people experience. These acupuncture side effects tend to be short lived, however, giving way to a post-acupuncture side effects burst of health and energy to which patients can look forward after initial acupuncture side effects run their course. Read this website for more information.