If you Lose your Keys, never Fear! A Locksmith can do the Job@


A lock is any electronic or mechanical fastening device which is released by any physical object like a key, fingerprint, or security token, or by some sort of coded information like a password, or some combination of more than one of those options. And, if you live in the modern world, you access all sorts of keys and locks every day. Whether it’s your front door or your car, from the internet to the lock on a window, locks and their keys are everywhere.

Locks and keys aren’t new though. In fact they’re pretty old news! Here’s some interesting information on how they work and how old they are.

1. Marie Antoinette’s husband, Louis XVI, king of France, was an amateur locksmith and enthusiast.

2. The first evidence of locks dates back to 4,000 years ago. They were in Egypt, and made of wood, as were their keys.

3. When you slide a key into its lock, the wards in the lock align with the grooves on the key, which allows or denies entry into the cylinder.

4. The key for any traditional lock contains several grooves on either side of the blade, and those limit which kind of lock the key is able to slide into.

Often times keys to locks will be misplaced. It’s a small object that is easily portable, which means it’s extremely easy to lose. So, what do you do then? If they are so specific, if you don’t have a spare then you aren’t going to be able to just use another key to open it …

At this point, you will need to find a locksmith San Mateo. But you’re wondering, what if I need a car locksmith San Mateo? How is a locksmith san mateo going to help me? Simple. Any physical, mechanical lock can be opened by a locksmith. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the ceiling, floor, car, wall, or fridge, if you need a physical lock opened, then a locksmith will be able to help you out!

18 thoughts on “If you Lose your Keys, never Fear! A Locksmith can do the Job@

  1. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  2. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  3. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  4. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  5. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  6. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  7. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  8. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  9. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  10. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

  11. Well, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Never opening your car or house up again, or paying a fee for someone to do it for you ^^;; You have to look at it in perspective.

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