Where to Change Car Engine Oil and Why

Where to change car engine oil is something that everyone should ask themselves before opting to work on their own vehicle. If improperly disposed of, motor oil can and does float on top of natural bodies of water, thus blocking out the sunlight needed to sustain aquatic plant life below the surface. This wreaks havoc ... Read More

Check Out Apollo Beach Dermatology Offices

Botox was developed in 1989 for the treatment of two different spasms of the eye area and today is the most popular non surgical cosmetic treatment in the US. Botox can treat migraines, perspiration, and incontinence in addition to its popular cosmetic uses. Other common treatments are Hyaluronic acid injections, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. These ... Read More

The Beauty of a Wireless Security Camera

In 1969, the duo of Marie Van Brittan Brown and Albert Brown were given a patent for the world’s first security camera system for the home. That system included four peep holes, a single camera that could be moved along each of those holes, and a monitor where all images could appear on screen. Since ... Read More