When you google the phrase Online Forums, over 300 million entries pop up. Clearly, forums are important, and we all probably know from personal experience that they can be useful for a variety of reasons. Here are three of the top ways people have utilized forums in the last several years, and what came about as a result.
1. Forum reviews for products
Think back to before the internet. If you had an issue with a product, where could you really turn? Your options were limited to calling the company and warning your friends. Then came forums, where people could openly talk about their real experiences with products and services. Suddenly, businesses were getting a wake up call when it came to providing quality customer service. Many found themselves having to respond to heated online criticism, and more than one company ended up in the hole as a result. Product reviews have taken an odd twist. Because people trust products with more reviews, many authors now give away books for free, if readers promise to review them on big forum rating forum directory sites like Amazon.
2. Gaming free discussion forums
Gaming used to be something you played with your friends or by yourself, probably in your basement. The internet opened up a whole new playing field, where users could battle hundreds of people around the world in giant MMORPGs. The experience opened again once forums connected users to each other. While at first this presented a challenge to game creators who now had people discovering loopholes and tricks immediately rather than organically, it ultimately ended up creating a better overall gaming experience. Not only could people talk about how to get over hard parts, but they could offer useful feedback to game developers.
3. Fandoms
Surprisingly, the word fandom dates back to 1903, yet most of us have only recently used it to describe the incredibly dedicated fans that constantly discuss their favorite shows, movies, comics and more online. Fandoms exist in a way they never have before, thanks to forum rating forum directory. Who would have thought that a show called My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic would inspire the creation of multiple dedicated discussion forums, each with thousands of members? Forums have allowed fans to take their love to a new level, and shows are actually paying attention and making changes to plots and lineups as a result. Hello, new season of Arrested Development!
wow! interesting piece. And loling at the last part. You didnt mention bronies. But you should have mentioned bronies
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……
I LOVE product reviews and I cant imagine buying things without them. Companies will say this and that but then you see it has a 2 out of 5 star rating and youre like Nooo thanks, maybe if youre super on sale……