Because the internet reaches so far and has so many functions, internet marketing is necessary for companies that want to have strong recognition with the public. Things like social media marketing, search engine optimization and website design and creation are some of the most important types of internet marketing.
The major reason many companies use a social media program is because they are free. Creating an account on facebook, twitter or any other application has no charge, and the account can reach millions of people around the world. Someone in Bogota, Colombia can see the same page as someone in Dunedin, New Zealand, so as such, social media marketing can reach farther than many other kinds of marketing.
As for acquiring a social media presence, many companies choose to outsource social media. Outsourcing marketing is more common because companies cannot both run their day-to-day business and create and run an internet marketing presence. On that note, companies choose to work with social media resellers, who resell social media across other companies to provide the optimal solution for their clients.
Although companies respond to only about 30 percent of their feedback from fans and followers on sites like facebook and twitter, they allow said fans and followers the opportunity to speak their minds in an official capacity. Plus, the sites allow people to follow promotions and other important news that companies might want to announce. At the end of the day, social media marketing is a very effective marketing solution that many companies across the world engage in on an everyday basis.