There are many lines of work that posses a great deal of potential for danger. Those who perform these jobs are usually well trained and prepared for the possible mishaps that could occur. However, no matter how prepared a worker is, unexpected accidents can still occur and sometimes, cause serious injuries. These injuries will often leave workers requiring numerous medical treatments, which can easily become quite costly. With longshore harbor workers, receiving proper worker’s compensation can be quite complicated due to various factors. Insurance companies will often have a difficult time confirming injuries with an insured employer due to the jobs being overseas. The process of obtaining overseas medical records can also create many obstacles for a worker needing compensation. For longshore and harbor workers compensation cases, defense base act attorneys can provide legal assistance that sees workers getting the medical cost coverage they are entitled to.
In 1920, the Merchant Seaman Protection and Relief Act was established in order to provide a similar protection as worker’s compensation for people injured while working as a longshoreman, seaman, or other marine worker. As an extension of the federal workers’ compensation program, the Defense Base Act covers longshoreman and harbor workers. Reporting an injury right away to an immediate supervisor is an initial technical requirement of the Defense Base Act.
The Defense Base Act is typically considered to be “claimant friendly” because of how it treats DBA attorney fees. Currently, the maximum wage replacement rate is 1,295.20 dollars per week. For legal assistance with maritime claims such as receiving proper worker’s compensation, longshoreman and harbor workers can seek the services of defense base act attorneys.