How to Become a Knowledgeable Physical Therapist

How do i become a physical therapist

Did you know that physical therapists work together in order to provide treatment for patients? There are nearly 200,000 licensed physical therapists in the United States, and the median income for physical therapy careers is more than $76,000. But how do you become a physical therapist? Physical therapy is a rewarding career, and in order to experience it, you must meet two important physical therapy education requirements.

1. Get a degree. There are two main degrees you can choose from, which include a Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree and Master of Physical Therapy Degree, and both degrees will prepare you for the PT license examination. In order to get either of these degrees, there are several courses you must take, such as biology, anatomy, pathology, pharmacology, and clinical reasoning, and approximately 20% of your curriculum will be dedicated to clinical experience. Once you get your degree, you are able to take the PT license examination in order to be a licensed physical therapist.

2. Take continuing education courses. Formal continuing education is an essential part of physical therapy professional development. Physical therapy continuing education requirements include pursuing a clinical residency or clinical fellowship, and they also involve becoming certified in specialty areas, as well, such as neurology, geriatrics, or pediatrics. It is important to attend continuing education courses in order to further your knowledge in the physical therapy field, and meeting the physical therapy continuing education requirements will help you accomplish this.

In order to become a physical therapist, there are several education requirements you must meet. Not only must you earn a degree, but you must also complete all the proper physical therapy continuing education requirements, as well. After you meet all the education and continuing education requirements, you are able to work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, which 20% of physical therapists do. Continue.

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